Learning – centered method is one of the
language learning method types which focuses on how teacher delivers the
materials to learners. These methods were composed almost in the same period
without any relation to each other. Some models of learning-centerd method are
This method was emerged by Dr. James J.
Asher (1982). It is also called as “the comprehension approach” which focuses
on listening comprehension. Based on an observation about how a kid learns his
mother tounge, he believed that learners will have ability in speaking of a
language after they listen some words around him frequently. He also believed
that learners will speak without any compulsion from anybody when they feel
ready to speak up in language they have listened and learned. Additonally this
method is also one of language learning methods which based on the coordination
of speech and action. The objective of this method is to teach the basic
speaking skill especially for beginning level so that they can communicate uninhibitedly
and clearly to native speaker.
In this method, learners become as
listeners and also performers who have to listen and respond what their teacher
say directly. The given instruction is some simple commands which learners
usually do or some fun instructions that can make them interested to do, for
instance “stand up with one leg”, “ hold your nose”, “close the left eye”, “
take your friend’s pen”, etc. A learner can also replace the teacher to give
some instruction to his friends.
strength of total physical response are:
Learners will enjoy the
teaching-learning process because they can move from their chair especially for
kinesthetic learners who need to active in the class.
It can be used to teach
and practice various materials such as pronunciation, listening comprehension,
speaking skill, vocabulary, etc.
It can be used in any
class size
It is used to reduce
the fear and negative assumption of the learners in speaking, especially for
The weakness of this
Can be used for
beginners level only
method was emerged by Celeb Gattegno (1960s). As like its name, this method
emphasizes autonomy of the learners in learning process. The learners should
become independent language learners who have to be responsible in their own
learning. They must be active in class, while the teacher can only speak very
little during the learning process. He may draw the learners’ attention by
giving some gesture or facial expression and let the learners discover their
own insight into functioning of the language. The materials for this method are
usually colored rods, vocabulary charts and
this method, a teacher only points a chart / picture repeatedly without saying
anything while waiting for learners’ response. After some moment, the teacher
gives the example in pronuncing the object, but only once. Then he points the
learners to pronunce the object repeatedly untill they are capable to pronunce
it correctly. The only advantage of this method is reducing teacher’s speaking
to make learners more active in discovering their own concept related to the material.
characteristics of silent way :
a. Teacher
must focuses on learners’ learning process
b. Imitation
and repetition are avoided
c. Trial
errors are natural in learning process
d. The
teacher must not interfere with the learning process.
e. Learners
must be active and teacher becomes facilitator only
strength of the silent way:
It can improve
cooperative learning among the learners because they are independent in
acquirig the materials.
The weakness of the
silent way:
Some students may still need more teacher’s guidance
method was emerged by Charles A. Curran (1970s). it is a kind of the language
learning methods which involves whole learners to work in a community to
discuss about certain aspect of a language. In this method, learners act as the
members of a community and the teacher acts as counsellor. There is no specific
objective in using this method, the only main goal is to make the student able
to use the target language.
basic principles of community language learning are:
a. language
is about communicating with others
b. learners
have so much chances to practice the language without any interference
c. teacher,
as a counselor must help the learners during the learning process such as
giving opportunities for the learners to improve their speaking skill then make
some evaluations.
d. teacher
must determine some easy materials which are apropriate with the goal that must
be reached.
steps of this method are:
a. Teacher
ask the learners to sit/stand in a circle
b. Teacher
stands behind one of the learners
c. A
learner makes a statement about an aspect they want to learn in his own
d. Teacher
repeats the statement into the target language
e. The
learner repeats the teacher’s statement while the teacher records it
f. The
procedure is repeated with other learners who want to respond the previous
statement until a short conversation is recorded
g. Learners
listen the recording result and transcribe the conversation so that they can
also find some new vocabulary and grammatical form in the conversation they
have made.
The strengths of this method is
Having a strong
cooperation among the learners in learning the target language communicatively because
they work as community.
The weakness of this
method is
Less guidance from the
method was published by Stephen Krashen and Tracy Terrell (1977). This method
has similarity with direct method. In this method, translation and grammar
explanations are not allowed. It focuses on input, comprehension, and
meaningful communication.
are 5 principles of the natural approach. They are as follows.
a. The
mainly goal of this method is to encourage the communicative competence
b. The
first emphasis is on listening. Teacher gives some easy materials (input) which
is always one level above the current learners’ competence so that the learners
can acquire their communicative competence in higher level.
c. The
main part of the method is the activities that can improve the process of
language acquisition.
d. The
affective filter is useful which means that there is no learner gets forced to
speak foreign language so that it
creates a good atmosphere in acquiring the target language.
e. Some
stages in developing the speaking skill:
Pre-production stage
(learners are not forced do speak but only listen to what teacher said because
still have minimal comprehension)
Early-production stage
(learners still have limited comprehension)
Speed-emergence stage (learners
have good comprehension)
Intermediate fluency (
learners have excellent comprehension)
Advanced fluency
(learners has a near-native level of speech)
The strength of this
Learners can easily
acquire the target language in natural
The teaching materials
are planned well so learners will be easy to get the material
The weakness of this
Teacher must use
various teaching aid and use the appropriately
method is created by Georgi Lozanov (1960s). he believed that everythings
around the learners can create some suggestive things whether positive or
negative in learning process. The main goal of this method is to acquit and
change the learners’ mindset of some negative assumption which have been set
for so long. For instance, most learners think that learning is a kind of
boring activity, learning English is difficult, and any other bad assumptions
that can confine the learners in improving their ability.
principles of suggestopedia are:
a. Authority
Teacher handle the
b. Infantilization
Make the relation
between teacher-learners becomes parent-child
c. Double
The assumption that the
learners’ environment is the important aspect for learning process
d. Intonation, Rhythm, and
Concert Pseudo-Passiveness
Teacher gives some
intonation and rhythm according to the classical beground music while he/she is
reading a text to the learners so that they can absorb the point of the text.
The strength of this
method is
Some of the relaxation methods, including background music, may
be helpful to students for acquiring the materials.
The weakness of this method:
requires a class which all the learners use the same first
Few classrooms have comfortable arm chairs.
Some learners may make some troubles while the music is on
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Oktober 2011 02.23
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